Networking and support for women working in the cyber security industry
Founded in Wales, active internationally
Our main aim is to connect women with an interest in cyber security with each other
We welcome members who are working in cyber security, as well as those who are just interested in finding out more. We also have excellent links with other networks, including UKC3, CyberFirst and the UK Cyber Security Council. You can become a member here.
Our events are held both online, hybrid and in person, usually in the South Wales area. You don't have to be local to join us, as we are working hard to provide dial in options at all in-person events.
Women in Cyber Wales was founded in 2018 by Clare Johnson. Find out more here.
We are closely linked to Cyber Wales and the other cluster groups based in Wales. We also work closely with UKC3.
Tickets now available for our next Women in Cyber conference, taking place in the ICC Wales on Wednesday 12th February 2025. Once again we'll be collaborating with the CyberFirst Wales team to host the Girls Competition finalists at the event. With an opening address from Rebecca Evans MS, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy & Planning, Welsh Government, there will be a keynote from Siân John MBE, NCC Group, and a closing address from a Senior NCSC Representative, along with a host of other excellent speakers, panels and workshops. Full details can be found on our Eventbrite page, or you can click the button below to book your ticket.
Visit our conference page here for more details.
Main event generously sponsored by:
Platinum: Airbus Defence and Space, Admiral Group Plc
Gold: Wales Cyber Innovation Hub, Wales and West Utilities
Supported by:
ITSUS Consulting Ltd, ADS, TechUK
Our Christmas meeting will include 4 excellent speakers and an opportunity for networking with refreshments. Being held in Cardiff University's Sparc Building, we will hear from Debi McCormack of The Cyber Scheme, Ms Auhood Al Ali, from Etisalat, UAE, Steph Aldridge of Neuro Cyber and Yulia Cherdantseva, Cardiff University. Visit our Eventbrite page to book your place.
Our Autumn meeting was held at Cardiff Metropolitan University on Thursday 19th September. We heard from Valeen Oseh, Founder of TisOva, Welsh Government's Ruth Stockley, Elaine Haigh from Cardiff University and Shinie Bentotahewa from Cardiff Met, who hosted the event and provided us with a very tasty lunch.
We had an amazing turnout for the 3rd Women in Cyber networking breakfast at the National Cyber Security Centre's CyberUK 2024 event on 15th May 2024. From humble beginnings in Wales in 2022, we have now run this event in Belfast in 2023 and now Birmingham in 2024.
Speakers included Clare T from the NCSC and Kirsty Miller from Lockheed Martin who kindly sponsored the event. The event was also supported by UKC3, Cyber Wales and ITSUS Consulting.
Our hybrid meeting took place at the Sparc building in Cardiff, with both online and in person attendance. Kindly supported by the Cyber Innovation Hub, we enjoyed a networking lunch before the main meeting started at 2pm.
Speakers included Liz Lewis, talking about the Cyber Innovation Hub's newly formed neurodiversity network; Colette King, from ALD Automotive, talking about her role and the important issues of stress and burnout; and Kylie Barnes from Hays Recruitment, outlining the findings of their salaries and consultancy report. Finally, we had a session on authentic networking from Heather Anstey-Myers and Kate Carr. It was an excellent afternoon, with lots of opportunity for networking.
We had an absolute blast at Securing the Future: Women in Cyber 2024, which took place in the stunning ICC Wales, sponsored by the Wales Cyber Innovation Hub and Admiral. Speakers talked about a range of cyber security challenges, and workshops covered authentic leadership, and coaching and mentoring. We had around 150 delegates, who all took part in a short but challenging CTF run by Admiral. In the afternoon, we joined forces with CyberFirst Wales and invited 40 Year 8 girls who made it to the girls competition final to join the last session, followed by a celebration dinner in their honour.
The day's events were captured by the very talented Laura Sorvala.
We joined forces with the Cyber Innovation Hub for our December meeting. Hosted at Tramshed Tech in Cardiff, we linked with women across the Tech sector for a 'Festive Mixer', complete with cheese and wine.
There were some excellent speakers, talking about their work and their experiences as women in tech, and we had some thought provoking discussions afterwards.
Our first hybrid meeting was a great success. We had 26 people attend in person, and another 20 online. The meeting was kindly hosted by the Cyber Innovation Hub, at the Sparc building in Cardiff. We had a keynote from Sophie Kneeshaw, talking about how she moved from an arts teaching career to a software developer at Sky. We also heard from Holly Lidbury about the CyberFirst programme in Wales, Kevin Dainty on the highly successful Reed Women in Technology Mentoring Scheme, and from Dr Elham Hassanain about women in cyber initiatives in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia. We closed the meeting with a skills workshop, led by Dr Yulia Cherdantseva.
We were really excited to get together at the NCSC's CyberUK event in Belfast, in April 2023. The event was opened by Charlotte from the NCSC, and we estimate that around 150 women attended. Yes, we ran out of breakfast and the space was a little snug, but there was a real buzz about the place and feedback has been really positive. Next year we hope to build on this, perhaps by having a speaker and more opportunities to network.
We held an online meeting on 22nd February 2023, 12pm - 1.30pm, with great attendance. We heard from Dr Kiri Addison, Mimecast, and Ellie Dew who is setting up a network for Young Women in Cyber. Clare Bourne from Cynam also talked about her experience on the Empowering Women to Lead Cyber Security programme. If you missed us, keep an eye on our socials for notice of our next meeting.
What a brilliant turnout we had at CyberUK, held in the ICC, Newport, Wales in May 2022. The NCSC kindly agreed to let us run a Women in Cyber networking breakfast on Day 2. Scheduled for an 8am start, on a day that turned out to be dull and rainy, it was amazing to see so many women attending, demonstrating just how important these networking meetings can be. Thanks to everyone who came along. Hopefully we have started a regular feature at future CyberUK conferences!
Picture shows the 65 or so women who came along, plus Clare Johnson (Women in Cyber Wales) & Ciara Mitchell (Scotland IS).
On Tuesday 19th July we met in-person in Tramshed Tech in Cardiff for our summer social. We didn't have a speaker at this event, but used it as an opportunity to have general networking conversations over a soft drink. It was a hot, hot, hot day, so the air conditioning was most welcome!
It was brilliant to have Deborah Haworth, Chief Information Security Officer, Penguin Random House UK join us at our March meeting. Along with Dhipa Lee, Head of Identity & Access Management (IAM) for Ballina we learned about some of the challenges and highlights of careers in cyber security.
We were delighted to be joined by Sema Yuce, Director of Truth, ISC and Bridget Kenyon, Chief Information Security Officer, EMEA, and Information Security Programmes Leader at Thales Digital Identity and Security for our last meeting of 2021. Sadly Deborah couldn't make it and will speak at a future meeting. We had some fascinating discussions including pathways into the industry as well as hearing about the roles that Sema and Bridget have.
Our October meeting took place on Thursday 7th October, 3.30pm - 5pm. We had a fantastic line up of women working in the cyber security industry including Lorraine Dryland, Global CISO of First Sentier Investors, Anna-Lisa Miller, CISO of Spectris, Dr Hoda Alkhzaimi, Director of the Centre of Cyber Security, New York University in Abu Dhabi, and Chani Simms, MD of Meta Defence Labs and founder of She/He CISO.
In April 2021, we hosted a special event linking some of our members to a recently formed Girls in Cyber network. Members shared information on their journeys into cyber, and some of the challenges and opportunities their work has given them.
It's completely free to become a member of Women in Cyber Wales. Just complete the form below and we'll add you to our mailing list. You don't get spam, just information about forthcoming events and other information we think is useful, such as events by other organisations related to cyber, funding opportunities and competitions.
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“I set up Women in Cyber Unlimited because of a clear lack of visibility of women working in the cyber security sector. During my career I have had the opportunity to engage with a wide variety of cyber security networks and events, and whilst diversity is improving there is still a long way to go. Since the first meeting in 2018, which took place in Wales where the network was founded, we have grown the network to almost 500 individuals, and our reach is now across the UK and beyond.
The network aims to provide a welcoming space for women to connect with other women and allies, to celebrate our achievements and discuss our challenges. We also provide support for organisations who wish to improve the number of women working for them. I will always speak up for diversity in this sector, as it's a career that offers many wonderful opportunities, and there are very clear benefits to organisations that have a diverse workforce".
Dr Clare Johnson, Founder and Director of Women in Cyber Wales